Stricken by a curse and transformed into a half-human/half-lizard by the Meka-Dragon, a lonesome adventurer is facing the challenge of a lifetime! In search for a cure, our mutated anti-hero will explore the many traps of Monster Land and defeat many stuff-throwing, curse-wielding dragons. The six different forms of our shape-shifting hero, human, lizard, mouse, piranha, lion and hawk, make up just a small percentage of the cast of this non-stop action/adventure platformer!
- Six playable forms for the main character, each with different abilities
- Multiple dragon enemy types: Zombie Dragon, Mummy Dragon, Samurai Dragon, and more!
- Memorable soundtrack based on Shinichi Sakamoto's original compositions, re-imagined and recorded with classical instruments
- Play as the game's classic character, Hu-Man, or as his brand-new, long-awaited co-star Hu-Girl
- Switch the graphics and/or sounds from the modern versions to the 8-bit originals at any time, even during gameplay!