On a dark and stormy night in the provincial town of Sharance, a sheep-like monster known as a wooly with unusual golden fluff tumbles from the heavens above...
Rescued and cared for by a local girl, the wooly wakes up the next day to find he's transformed into a young man. Startled and confused, our hero can't remember much about how he found himself in this situation, but he remembers his name… Micah. Forced into action by a surprise monster attack, Micah defends his rescuer and finds himself embroiled in a longstanding conflict between the residents of Sharance and a race of horned monsters known as the Univir! With a shocking secret of his own, Micah must work to build bridges between the two races and restore peace to the world…
More than a decade after its original release on Nintendo DS, Rune Factory 3 returns, remastered for a new generation on Nintendo Switch. All the classic gameplay returns with improved graphics and redesigned 3D character models, bolstered by brand-new features like "Newlywed Mode," standalone adventures unlocked after marriage to each of the game's 11 eligible bachelorettes; "Another Episode," fully voiced picture stories narrated by those same characters; and a "Hell" difficulty level to challenge even veteran players.