In the far distant future, a psionic hormone was discovered in the human brain, granting people extra-sensory powers and changed the world as we knew it. As humanity entered this new era, deranged mutants known as others began to descend from the sky with a hunger for human brains.
Highly resistant to conventional attack methods, extreme measures needed to be taken to battle the overwhelming threat and preserve humanity. Those with acute extra-sensory abilities, known as psionic, were our only chance to fight the onslaught from above.
- Kinetic Psychic combat. using psycho-kinetic abilities, the world around you becomes your greatest weapon.
- Exterminate the others, deranged mutants that descended from the sky, highly resistant to conventional attack methods and defenses.
- Discover a brain Punk future. Explore and protect a futuristic Japanese landscape that combines inspirations from classic anime and Western science fiction.
- Deep story driven experience. Dive into a complex story of bonds, courage and heroism crafted by minds behind the iconic Tales of Vesperia.