The war has intensified. During an air strike, Noah, a 16-year-old boy, and his little sister Renie seek shelter. There they not only find themselves safe from a deadly bombardment, but also from the crossroads of a world between life and death: Silence.
When Noah loses his sister, he is forced to enter the idyllic and unknown world of Silence in order to find it. However, Silencio lives with the wounds and suffering of his own war. Dark creatures attack the towns and cities devastating what was once a quiet place between worlds. Only a small group of rebels faces the threat.
Now the brothers' objective is not only to save their own lives, but also to save the inhabitants of Silence from an imminent death. Join Noah and Renie on an exciting journey through Silence and live an intense adventure in a world of contrasts between harmony and danger.
Meet fascinating characters such as Spot, the magic caterpillar that will help Noah and Renie. And he lives the moment in which the brothers discover that the love they feel for each other is the only thing that can save them.
- 3D characters designed with maximum detail and spectacular 2D scenarios
- Three characters to play with
- Enjoy amazing new characters, and also the reunion with old friends