Deep within its capital city, a young Spriggan man receives a strange request that threatens to plunge the entire nation into chaos… The AT (Action Time) battle command used in previous installments of the Trails series has been completely revamped! This system swiftly and seamlessly transitions from field battles to command-based turn battles. In combination with the sixth-generation tactical orbment, Xipha, it offers a revolutionary combat experience unique to the Trails series!
The Topic system allows players to gain an advantage by using conversation topics—obtained by interacting with other characters throughout the city—as bargaining chips. The game also features various original elements from the Trails series, including the Alignment system, which allows players to change their character’s three unique attributes (Law, Gray, and Chaos) according to their playstyle, influencing his/her status, the forces he/she fights with or against, and even how the plot unfolds.
Note: Chinese Version. No English Option Available.